Back at the CT Shala

October 13, 2011

Just in case anyone in my dwindling readership cares to know.

And I am LOVE LOVE LOVE LOVING it. I know I was back for part of the summer, and it was great then too. But then I had to take time off from the shala because the kids came home from camp and I started getting major pressure from The Husband to NOT pay for yoga when it comes free with my Gym membership (bleh – ANUSARA – not bad, just not for me, not now, not after years of Ashtanga’s silence and meditative constant movement into stilness).

Well, my Gym membership ended, finally! And I celebrated by rejoining the The Yoga Shala – CT in Georgetown, which has moved to a new space just down the road and a bit closer to the NY border. The new space is beautiful – sunshine streams in on the dark wood floors. I find a little nook near the window to place my mat and off I go. It’s delightful.

My relationship with Teacher is nice too. She’s a grownup, and she knows I am too. After four years on and off with her, we are able to dialogue about my practice. She is respectful, and she receives my respect in return. She encourages me to spread my wings and return to my more advanced practice (half of Second Series tacked onto half of Primary or all of Primary) when I am ready. Currently, I do not feel ready and am not anxious to be ready. What I am anxious for, if anything, is to be right in the middle of the sweet spot of routine.

Today, I am practicing at home, but I will do it in my home studio, not in front of the television. That will be today’s equivalent of getting into the routine. And I will be practicing shortly. Not waiting until I do this, that and the other thing.

Follow me on Twitter please for more quick-drive-by updates, and that way you can easily send me links to your blogs or tweets. It’s @yogachickie. If you don’t have Twitter, get it. It’s the wave….


Yoga and Meditation Empower Cancer Patients

October 9, 2011

This week…a guest poster has written an insightful and informative piece over at my long-neglected but not-forgotten blog, Pink Lotus Yoga. Please give it a read in honor of Breast Cancer Awareness Month.


Updated: Bye Bye Bikram

August 1, 2011

On August 1, 2011, I posted about Bikram Yoga Ridgefield, Ridgefield Connecticut. It was one of the last posts I made on this blog before I pretty much abandoned it and all but forgot about it. I didn’t know that it still came up in Google searches. I didn’t know that there were 18 comments on it.

I’ve deleted it now because it was harsh and ugly and causing pain to people. It turns out that this post, which I had put out of my mind, was not out of the minds of the students, teachers and proprietors of Bikram Yoga Ridgefield. I discovered this yesterday in a most painful, embarrassing and humbling way. I will be writing about it further, but I thought it important now to delete the post before it did further damage.

I’m sorry.


What Yoga Can Do For Casey Anthony

July 18, 2011

Now that she’s out of jail, what will Casey Anthony do? Apparently, her parents have not welcomed her back into their home, and she’s not particularly well-liked in her home state of Florida. She’s got little hope of finding a job or getting into college because, well, is it even necessary to explain why that would be? Appealing her four-count conviction of lying to the police can keep her busy for only so long, especially considering that her defense attorneys opened with an admission that Casey had been lying to law enforcement from day one of the investigation into the disappearance of her daughter, Caylee Marie Anthony.

Talking to the media can’t be particularly time consuming, especially when she will not be able to tell her “real story” of how Caylee drowned because that would involve an implicit admission that she had lied to law enforcement officers whom she led on a wild goose chase in search of a child whom she knew was already dead and disposed of in a swamp.

Casey may be able to go back to a life of “partying”, although it is unlikely that she will have much success in finding more than a handful (at best) of people who are willing to be friends with her. And she could go to Ireland seeking that adoption she spoke of, but that won’t likely occupy her for long, since it is unlikely that any individual on this planet would willingly put a baby in Casey Anthony’s hands.

So, what should Casey do?

Well, the answer seems obvious: Casey should devote her life to studying yoga. And by “studying yoga”, I do not mean procuring a membership at Pure Yoga or Jivamukti or taking random Vinyasa classes for the purpose of shaping a “hot body”-worthy yoga butt. No. What I mean by “studying yoga” is going to India, or really anywhere in Asia, finding a teacher who has followed the yogic path of nonjudgement and nonattachment and prostrating herself to that teacher, surrendering herself to everything that teacher has to offer.

It is possible that Casey will not be so easily recognized in an Asian country, particularly one which is heavily populated and heavily visited by Caucasian tourists. More importantly, albeit theoretically, a yoga teacher who has truly walked the path toward enlightenment will not judge Casey for what she has done in her past. That teacher will accept Casey for who she is RIGHT NOW, at this very moment, the bad parts and whatever good parts there are.

That teacher (again, theoretically) would set Casey upon the “Eight Limbed Path” to yoga, teaching her the “Yamas” and the “Niyamas” (the things we should and should not do in our human life), the “Asanas” (what everyone comes to think of as “yoga” – the physical practice), “Pranayama” (breathing exercises which help control the mind), “Pratayahara”, “Dharana” and “Dhyana” (practices aimed toward concentration), and finally “Samadhi” (the ultimate union with the divine within oneself).

From my own experience as a yogi, I believe that the Asanas would likely be the first thing Casey would learn. But in the course of learning to do the physical yoga poses, Casey would also be taught aspects of the other limbs. In fact, Asana practice is rich with metaphors that help teach a yoga student to understanding the Yamas, which include “Ahimsa” (the practice of not doing harm to any living being), “Satya” (the practice of committing to being truthful) and “Asteya” (the practice of not stealing, whether material things or time and other non-material resources).

For example, if Casey found it painful to stand on her head, the teacher might instruct Casey to treat her body with “Ahimsa” and not push herself to the point of pain. If Casey fell on the teacher while attempting to stand in Tree Pose, the teacher might point out to Casey that it is best not to harm others or to put oneself in a situation where harm of others might be possible. Satyah, or truthfulness, comes through the practice at times that we try to fool ourselves into thinking we can do what we cannot do, or vice versa. Casey might benefit from seeing Satya in action. And Casey could certainly benefit from learning to not waste her teacher’s time and energy by going out drinking the night before and arriving at class with a raging hangover. This is a teaching that comes square within the practice of Asteya.

The other Yamas are “Brahmacharya” (abstinence, or at least abstinence in the absence of a healthy relationship) and “Aparigraha” (non-greediness, such as not seeking to make millions of dollars out of your daughter’s death that you may have caused or covered up). Clearly, Casey could benefit from immersion in these teachings.

Or at least theoretically. If Casey Anthony were to go to Asia to practice yoga in earnest. If only.


Dear Future Lauren,

June 14, 2011

I’m writing to warn you. At some point, you will begin to find Ashtanga (and by “Ashtanga”, I mean the Mysore style of it, practiced with a teacher’s guidance) “annoying”. You will begin to rebel against your teacher’s instructions. You will being to resent getting out of the house by 8:15 in the morning, when you could stay home and go back to sleep. This could happen in the summer when your kids are at camp. Or it could happen in the winter when your light-sensitivity kicks in and you start to go all morose and lethargic. I don’t know when it will happen, but I can assure you IT WILL HAPPEN.

And so you must resist. You will have many reasons not to resist. You will say that you can do the poses in the comfort of your own home, you will say that you don’t need to pay shala fees for poses you can do yourself. You will say that you resent having to pay to be taught poses you already know. You will say that you don’t like the paternalistic nature of it all. You may have a disagreement with your teacher. You may find your teacher to be disappointing in some way. You may find your teacher is just a human being like yourself, and that may come as a disappointment to you, Future Lauren.

But I’m here to tell you that all of those arguments are the disease, not the cure. If you think Ashtanga is your addiction, I will tell you without a doubt that your running from it is your true addiction. You have done it countless times. You have left one teacher for another. You have left the practice entirely. And what good has come from it? You have gained weight, you have gotten sloppy and unfocused, you have become lazy.

From where I sit, you are back on track. You have had a month of being back in the warm Ashtanga fold. Every ounce of weight that you gained from your countless surgeries last year is gone, and for the most part, it all fell off in the last month while you were practicing Ashtanga diligently with a teacher. You get up every morning with your kids and you get your day started. After you are done practicing, you still have so much of the day left that you don’t feel stressed. You get things done on your to-do list. You are organized. You managed to clean your own house last week when your housekeeper called in sick. And even though it was stressful, you managed to do it. Your garden has never looked better.

When you are feeling that urge to run from Ashtanga, remember how good you were feeling when this letter got written. Sure, you think your reasons are justified. Sure, you think that I just can’t see what you’re going through, Future Lauren. But it’s a mirage. It won’t lead to anything better than what you’ve got going on right now.

So, Future Lauren, whenever this letter finds you, I implore you to resist the urge to run. Stay with the program. It works, or as you told a newbie the other day, “It’s like magic, except it’s real.”